Saturday, September 20, 2008

Planetarium (Planetarium)

Ugh. I just found out last night that my grandparents (My mom's dad, step-mom, and my 90-year-old great grandmother) were coming today. They are...quite annoying. I also found out just this morning that they were taking us to Nashville to go to the Adventure Science Museum. Spending the day with them is not my first idea of fun, but at least it was tolerable. Now, my grandparents are Church of Christ people, so I figured they would have been all defensive in a science museum where the theory of evolution is fairly prominent, but no, they didn't even say anything about it. Most of it was just basic kid-museum stuff, but after a while, we went into the new Planetarium, which is basically a theater with a dome-shaped ceiling, and the entire ceiling is the screen, so the chairs are set back in a 45° angle. It's actually pretty comfortable.

Anyway, after everybody finally piled in the room, some guy with a headset microphone came out and started talking (I think he was gay; he had that certain gay lisp) about stuff like all of the music being preformed by the Nashville Symphony and everything narrated by Mark Hammil (I would have never guessed it was him), then the movie started. The first thing I noticed were the graphics. It looked amazing, and with the dome-shaped-screen, it had a semi-3D effect. It was all pretty cool.

After that, we left, went to McDonald's, went home, and ate pie. Hells yeah.

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